BPM SeminareWir qualifizieren Dich umfassend im

Wir vermitteln dir BPM interaktiv und lebendig mit vielen Einblicken in die Praxis und lehrreichen Anekdoten.

Das Ziel unserer BPM Seminare ist, Teilnehmender auf Ihre Aufgaben nach dem Seminar vorzubereiten. Das gelingt am besten mit individuellen Inhalten und viel Interaktion. Theorie vermitteln wir mit vielen Übungen und mit Anekdoten aus der Praxis auf lebendige Weise.

Unsere BPM-Schulungen orientieren sich am BPM-Zyklus. Sie umfassen Prozesserhebung, Prozessdokumentation und Prozessmodellierung, Prozessanalyse, Prozesskonzeption, Prozessumsetzung und Prozess-Controlling.

Wir befähigen unsere Teilnehmer zur aktiven Prozessverbesserung und Prozessautomatisierung, basierend auf den Modellierungssprachen BPMN, DMN und CMMN (optimierendes Prozessmanagement).

Für besondere Zielgruppen wie Führungskräfte, Projektleiter oder Berater bieten wir rollenfokussierte BPM-Seminare im Rahmen des transformierenden Prozessmanagements an und bereiten euch natürlich auch auf international anerkannte Zertifizierungen vor.

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CBPA® bzw. CBPP® – preparation course (in English)

With the internationally recognized title of Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP®), as an experienced process manager, you show that, in addition to several years of professional experience, you also have comprehensive knowledge and skills in process management. This seminar prepares you optimally for the CBPP® or CBPA® certification exam of the Association of BPM Professionals (ABPMP®). Show that you have far-reaching methods and tools in process management: from process representation and process improvement to strategic and technological orientation.

The certification is based on the Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge CBOK® Guide Version 4.0, which we translated into German and is officially available as a German-language version of the CBOK. Anyway, this course will be held in English (German prep courses can be found here).

„Course content fully aligns with the BPM CBOK®“

cbpp prep training

BPM professionals demonstrate their skills with an ABPMP certificate.

Learning objectives

With this training you prepare yourself intensively and purposefully for the exam and deal intensively with the exam-relevant content. All nine fields of knowledge of the BPM CBOK® V 4.0 are taught in the course.

Target group

Our seminar is suitable for:

  • Experienced process managers with relevant work experience in process management pursuing CBPP® certification
  • Alternatively: career starters or newcomers to the field of process management who are aiming for CBPA® certification.

Previous knowledge

The seminar is a pure exam preparation for the CBPP®. or CBPA® certificate. The underlying book BPM CBOK® 4.0 (ISBN 9798782633141) is not included in the seminar fee and must be purchased separately as a workbook. We recommend going through the book in advance.


The seminar comprises approx. 16 teaching units.


  • Business process management
  • Business process modeling
  • Process analysis
  • Process design
  • Process performance measurement
  • Technology and transformation
  • Building a process-oriented organization and culture
  • Enterpreise process management
  • Exam scenario and mock exam

The contents are firmly anchored in the participants by implementing different pedagogical concepts. In addition to slide presentations, there are also numerous exercises to make the seminar interesting and entertaining and to maintain a high level of concentration.


The certification exam itself is not included in this training. This can only be filed online on the ABPMP International website at www.abpmp.org. Please register there yourself. We support you during the training. There you will also find a lot of information about the requirements.



The live online seminar lasts three days and is conducted via zoom. Although Zoom can also be used via a browser (Chrome), we recommend using the client, which can be downloaded from https://zoom.us/download. You will receive the access data a few days after successful registration.

The training is conducted live by a tried and tested trainer. Tools and presentations are optimized for the online medium and ensure learning success.

We start at 09.00 a.m., take a break offline at 12.00 p.m. We end the seminar around 3:00 p.m. All times Central European Time

You use your own computer (with internet access and a modern browser, such as Chrome).

Nummer 3951-20230411
Online-Kurs CBPP + CBPA Exam prep (English)
Datum 18.11.2024 – 20.11.2024
Wochentag Mo, Di, Mi
Preis EUR 1.490,00
MwSt exkl.
Ort Live Online Training

Nr. Datum Zeit Beschreibung
1 18.11.2024 09:00 – 14:30 Online-SchulungsHalbtag
2 19.11.2024 09:00 – 14:30 Online-SchulungsHalbtag
3 20.11.2024 09:00 – 14:30 Online-SchulungsHalbtag

Unsere BPM Seminare können Sie in folgenden Weiterbildungsarten buchen:

Schulung Seminar Training Kurs Coaching Workshop Weiterbildung Fortbildung Lernen Lehrgang Ausbildung Umschulung Firmenseminar Inhouse In-House-Kurs In-House-Training In-House-Seminar In-House-Schulung In-Haus-Schulung Im-Haus-Seminar Im-Haus-Schulung Hausinternes Seminar Firmeninternes Seminar Kundenspezifisches Seminar Individuelles Seminar Individual-Seminar Individual-Schulung Individual-Training Individual-Fortbildung Individual-Weiterbildung Beratung Bildung Consulting Crashkurs Crashkurse Erwachsenenbildung Firmenschulung Firmentraining Fortbildungen Kurse Kundentraining Schulungen Schulungsangebot Seminarangebot Seminare Trainingsangebot Umschulungen Unterricht Weiterbildungen Workshops Akademie Online-Workshop Online-Schulung Online-Seminar Online-Training Online-Fortbildung Online-Weiterbildung Online-Kurs Web-Workshop Web-Schulung Web-Seminar Web-Training Web-Fortbildung Web-Weiterbildung Web-Kurs E-Learning Fernlernen Webinar Digitale Schulung Virtuelle Schulung Virtueller Klassenraum

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MINAUTICSStandort Berlin
MINAUTICS GmbH, Salzufer 15, 10587 Berlin, Germany
MINAUTICSStandort Ruhr
MINAUTICS GmbH c/o Kreativamt Jovyplatz 4 45964 Gladbeck, Germany
MINAUTICSStandort Nord
MINAUTICS GmbH c/o NorthernLights, Marie-Curie-Ring 31 24941 Flensburg, Germany
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